Chalice of the Midnight Oracle - Sipping the Elixir of Prophecy, in the Goblet of Enigma - Poem Lyrics in English


Chalice of the Midnight Oracle - Sipping the Elixir of Prophecy, in the Goblet of Enigma - Poem Lyrics in English

In the realm of mystery, where shadows silently creep,

The chalice of the midnight oracle, in enigma's keep.

Sipping the elixir of prophecy, a potion so divine,

In the goblet of enigma, where futures entwine.

Moonlit runes adorn the mystical brew,

In the chalice of the oracle, where secrets accrue.

Whispers of destiny in each sacred sip,

As the elixir of prophecy meets the mystic's lip.

Stars reflected in the goblet's dark embrace,

In the chalice of midnight, where futures trace.

Liquid whispers, a divination so clear,

As the elixir of enigma draws the seeker near.

Midnight's secrets unfold in the oracle's gaze,

In the chalice's depths, where prophecy lays.

Glimpses of tomorrow in the liquid's gleam,

As the elixir of enigma unveils the unseen.

Each sip a journey through the veil's divide,

In the chalice of the oracle, where mysteries abide.

Ethereal visions in the goblet's swirl,

As the elixir of prophecy unfurls.

So, in the silence of the midnight's caress,

The chalice of the oracle, a vessel of access.

Sipping the elixir, in enigma's embrace,

In the goblet of midnight, where destinies trace.

Chalice of the Midnight Oracle - Sipping the Elixir of Prophecy, in the Goblet of Enigma - Poem Lyrics in English
Chalice of the Midnight Oracle - Sipping the Elixir of Prophecy, in the Goblet of Enigma - Poem Lyrics in English

In the midnight's embrace, where shadows conspire,

The chalice of the midnight oracle, a vessel of desire.

Sipping the elixir of prophecy, in the goblet so enigmatic,

A dance with fate, where destinies are dramatic.

The liquid of the oracle, a potion so profound,

In the chalice of midnight, where mysteries abound.

Glimpses of the future in each ethereal sip,

As the elixir unfolds destiny's script.

Moonlight refracts in the mystic liquid's sheen,

In the chalice of the midnight oracle, where visions convene.

Whispers of enigma linger in the air,

As the elixir reveals what fate may declare.

Goblet of mystery, a conduit to the sublime,

In the midnight oracle's chalice, where secrets chime.

Sipping the elixir, a communion with the unknown,

In the chalice of midnight, where destinies are sown.

Oh, seeker of truths in the mystical night,

Sip from the chalice, let the oracle's elixir invite.

In the goblet of enigma, where destinies entwine,

The midnight oracle whispers, in the elixir divine.

In the realm of mystic shadows, where enigma unfolds,

The chalice of the midnight oracle, its secrets it holds.

Sipping the elixir of prophecy, in the goblet's tender gleam,

In the depths of enigma, where visions stream.

The goblet, a vessel of the midnight's embrace,

Chalice of the oracle, where futures interlace.

Whispers of the cosmos in each sip,

In the chalice's elixir, where destinies equip.

Moonlight dances on the goblet's rim,

Chalice of the oracle, where mysteries swim.

Elixir of prophecy, a poetic trance,

In the midnight's oracle, where visions enhance.

Oh, in the realm where shadows speak,

The chalice of the midnight oracle, where prophecies peak.

Sipping the elixir in the goblet's sway,

In the enigma's embrace, where futures lay.

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