Crimson Elegy - As Autumn Leaves Fall, Painting the Earth in Shades of Burning Passion - Poem Lyrics in English


Crimson Elegy - As Autumn Leaves Fall, Painting the Earth in Shades of Burning Passion - Poem Lyrics in English

In the tapestry of autumn, a crimson elegy,

As leaves descend, a vibrant symphony.

Hues of passion, painted on the Earth's canvas,

In the season's embrace, where beauty surpasses.

Leaves of flame, a burning cascade,

In the crimson elegy, where memories are laid.

Gentle whispers in the autumn breeze,

As leaves fall like notes in a poetic tease.

Auburn and scarlet, a fiery ballet,

In the crimson elegy, where emotions stray.

Branches adorned in the hues of desire,

As autumn leaves fall, setting hearts afire.

The earth cradles the leaves with a tender sigh,

In the crimson elegy, where emotions amplify.

Nature's ballad in the rustling leaves,

As autumn paints the world in passionate sieves.

A dance of farewell, as leaves twirl and spin,

In the crimson elegy, where endings begin.

The ground adorned in a carpet so grand,

As autumn leaves fall, a spectacle unplanned.

So, in the autumn's embrace, where passion takes hold,

A crimson elegy, as leaves unfold.

Nature's poetry, a fervent expression,

In the burning shades of autumn's confession.

Crimson Elegy - As Autumn Leaves Fall, Painting the Earth in Shades of Burning Passion - Poem Lyrics in English
Crimson Elegy - As Autumn Leaves Fall, Painting the Earth in Shades of Burning Passion - Poem Lyrics in English

In the tapestry of autumn, a crimson elegy,

As leaves cascade, a fiery symphony.

Hues of passion on every limb,

In the dance of fall, where love begins.

The maple leaves ablaze, a burning desire,

As autumn's breath fans the embered fire.

Crimson elegy on the canvas of the ground,

In the season's embrace, where beauty is found.

A farewell in red, as summer takes its bow,

In the crimson elegy, where emotions allow.

Leaves, like love letters, gently descend,

In the autumn's whisper, where passion doesn't end.

A palette of warmth in the cooling air,

As crimson leaves flutter, a love affair.

The earth adorned in shades of burning passion,

In the crimson elegy, where love finds its fashion.

Oh, seeker of beauty in the autumn's grace,

Witness the elegy, a passionate embrace.

As leaves fall, painting the earth with fiery compassion,

In the crimson elegy, where autumn leaves its impression.

As autumn leaves fall in a ballet of descent,

Crimson elegy unfolds, a fervent lament.

Painting the earth in shades of burning passion,

In the dance of leaves, a season's confession.

The trees, adorned in their fiery attire,

Crimson elegy whispers, a farewell choir.

A symphony of rustling, the leaves' adieu,

In the autumn breeze, where passion brews.

Beneath the canopy of red and gold,

Crimson elegy, a story to be told.

Leaves like embers, aflame in the air,

In the autumn's grasp, a passionate affair.

Nature's canvas adorned in hues so bold,

Crimson elegy, a tale of the untold.

As leaves cascade in a passionate descent,

Autumn's fervent embrace, where passion is spent.

Oh, in the season's embrace, where love is in fashion,

Crimson elegy, as autumn leaves fall with burning passion.

A poetic adieu in the fiery procession,

In the crimson elegy, where autumn leaves confess.

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