The Alchemist's Hourglass -- Measuring the Sands of Time as Dreams Transform into Reality - Poem Lyrics in English


The Alchemist's Hourglass - Measuring the Sands of Time as Dreams Transform into Reality - Poem Lyrics in English

In the alchemist's hourglass, sands of time unfurl,

A mystical measure in an enchanted swirl.

Dreams transform within the crystalline sphere,

As time whispers secrets only alchemists hear.

Golden grains, a cascade in the glass,

In the alchemist's hourglass, where moments amass.

Each grain, a fragment of the cosmic design,

As dreams metamorphose, an elixir so fine.

The alchemist's hands, a conjurer of fate,

Guiding the sands through the hourglass's gate.

Time, a tapestry woven in shimmering grains,

As dreams crystallize, breaking earthly chains.

Moments fall like stardust in a celestial trance,

In the alchemist's hourglass, where dreams enhance.

Reality shaped in the alchemical brew,

As the sands of time measure dreams anew.

Ephemeral whispers in the hourglass's song,

As dreams transform, a journey prolonged.

The alchemist's art, a mystical craft,

Measuring dreams as time flows and drafts.

The Alchemist's Hourglass - Measuring the Sands of Time as Dreams Transform into Reality - Poem Lyrics in English
The Alchemist's Hourglass - Measuring the Sands of Time as Dreams Transform into Reality - Poem Lyrics in English

So, in the alchemist's hourglass, where time and dreams align,

Sands cascade, a dance so divine.

Dreams metamorphose, reality takes hold,

In the alchemist's hourglass, where stories are told.

In the alchemist's chamber, where secrets entwine,

The hourglass stands, a vessel for time.

Measuring the sands as they gently flow,

In the alchemist's hourglass, where dreams bestow.

Golden grains, like moments, slip away,

In the alchemist's hourglass, where night turns to day.

Each grain a story, a tale to unfold,

As dreams transform into reality, a story retold.

The alchemist's art, a mystical craft,

In the hourglass of time, where memories draft.

Sands cascade, a journey in every fall,

In the alchemist's hourglass, where echoes call.

Alchemy of moments, a magical dance,

In the hourglass of dreams, where fates enhance.

Time, the alchemist, with a touch so sublime,

As dreams weave into reality, in the alchemist's rhyme.

Oh, seeker of wonders in the alchemist's abode,

Witness the hourglass, where dreams are stowed.

As sands trickle, and the moments pass,

In the alchemist's hourglass, where dreams amass.

In the alchemist's chamber, where mysteries unfold,

The hourglass measures time, as dreams and stories are told.

Sands cascade like whispers in the cosmic breeze,

In the alchemist's hourglass, where time appease.

Each grain, a moment, in the grand tapestry,

As dreams transform into reality.

The alchemist's touch, a conjurer of fate,

In the hourglass's dance, where dreams animate.

Golden grains sift through the glassy dome,

In the alchemist's hourglass, where dreams find home.

Time, a fluid river, flowing with grace,

As dreams evolve in the hourglass's embrace.

Oh, in the chamber where the alchemist's visions amass,

The hourglass turns, measuring dreams like an hourglass.

A dance of time, where stories unveil,

In the alchemist's hourglass, where dreams set sail.

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