Lullaby of the Silver Stream - Where Moonbeams Serenade the Night, in Nature's Cradle of Dreams - Poem Lyrics in English


Lullaby of the Silver Stream - Where Moonbeams Serenade the Night, in Nature's Cradle of Dreams - Poem Lyrics in English

In nature's cradle of dreams, where moonbeams gently gleam,

A lullaby of the silver stream, in the nocturnal theme.

Waters murmur secrets to the silver-lit night,

As the moonbeams serenade in the soft moonlight.

Trees bow gracefully, their branches a lullaby,

In the silver stream's embrace, where dreams alight.

A nocturnal symphony, a tranquil refrain,

In nature's cradle, where the night holds sway.

Stars overhead twinkle, a celestial ballet,

As the silver stream whispers in the night's array.

Ripples dance to the moon's melodic tune,

A lullaby of the silver stream, beneath the crescent moon.

The nightingale joins the silver stream's choir,

In nature's cradle, where dreams aspire.

Mossy banks cradle the waters' soft hum,

A lullaby of the silver stream, where night-time drums.

Beneath the silver canopy, the world's in repose,

In the lullaby of the silver stream, where serenity flows.

Moonbeams weave tales in the shimmering beams,

In nature's cradle of dreams, where enchantment redeems.

So, in the hush of the night, let the silver stream sing,

A lullaby to nature's cradle, where dreams take wing.

Moonbeams serenade the world, a nocturnal theme,

In the lullaby of the silver stream, where dreams redeem.

In nature's cradle of dreams, by the silver stream,

A lullaby unfolds, where moonbeams gleam.

Stars twinkle in the night's soft embrace,

As the silver stream murmurs, a tranquil grace.

Lullaby of the Silver Stream - Where Moonbeams Serenade the Night, in Nature's Cradle of Dreams - Poem Lyrics in English
Lullaby of the Silver Stream - Where Moonbeams Serenade the Night, in Nature's Cradle of Dreams - Poem Lyrics in English

Moonbeams serenade the world with their light,

A lullaby echoing through the quiet night.

Ripples dance in the stream's gentle spree,

In nature's cradle, where dreams roam free.

Willows lean low to catch the moon's soft kiss,

In the lullaby of the silver stream, nature's bliss.

Whispers of the breeze, a gentle tune,

In the cradle of dreams, where night is strewn.

Creatures of the night join the melody,

As the silver stream hums its lullaby.

A serenade beneath the celestial dome,

In nature's cradle, where dreams find their home.

Oh, seeker of solace in the night's sweet gleam,

Listen to the lullaby of the silver stream.

In nature's cradle of dreams, where moonbeams sing,

A lullaby that nature to the night does bring.

In nature's cradle, where dreams take flight,

Lullaby of the silver stream, in the tranquil night.

Moonbeams serenade the world in a gentle embrace,

As the silver stream whispers, weaving dreams in grace.

Ripples dance to the nocturnal tune,

In the lullaby of the stream, where dreams commune.

Stars above twinkle in the celestial choir,

As the silver stream murmurs, a lullaby of desire.

Meadow grasses sway in the soft night breeze,

In the cradle of nature, where tranquility appease.

Moonlight paints a path on the watery gleam,

In the lullaby of the silver stream.

Nature's lullaby, a soothing melody,

In the cradle of dreams, where serenity's decree.

Oh, listen to the whispers in the moonlit's gleam,

In the lullaby of the silver stream.

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